onsdag 20 maj 2009

Fan Fiction - sort of...

A month or so ago at my inlaws house I opened a book of local ghost stories. It is called 'Stockholms Spökhus'. It translates 'The Haunted Houses of Stockholm'. I looked up an adress close to where I was just then and came across a story that was just perfect Hellboy material!
A story started to form in my head and the other day I got around to sketch the first frames. I have no idea how to do this but I will make it up as I go. I use my Hellboy books as reference when drawing the characters and even most of the poses are on loan from the books.
Perhaps I will learn to draw Hellboy so well by the end of the story that I can do my own compositions. Hopefully I will be able to finish it before I run out of steam!

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